Today is Monday. It was a rough weekend. And I won't lie, I made a few mistakes on my juice fast.
However! All is still well. Let's go over the basics and I'll be completely honest with you.
Firstly I made the decision to introduce some actual veggies and fruits into my diet since I am half way through and it is suggested so that you don't lack fiber while fasting.
That was going well. But that, piled on top of me being so busy and not taking enough time to think about what my meal plans would be and making them up on the spot instead... lead to some cheating over the weekend.
I am not proud, but I want to be honest. Another vice is that I have been craving coconut like crazy! And then I discovered some shredded coconut in the depths of our refrigerator, a recipe for coconut macaroons on Pinterest with only two ingredients and boom! I was done.
I also needed to try the recipe for something that's happening this weekend and they would have been "healthy" had the coconut not been pre-sweetened and I not been on a juice cleanse. But they weren't really. All in all, too much sugar, too much giving in. blah.
They were delicious, but not worth it. After all I can always eat the actual healthy version when I'm done and not be set back by it!
I also discovered that it is very bad to have dinner ( especially dinner you can't eat ) sitting out on the stove all evening before anyone bothers putting it up .
** Note to self : If no one puts the food away, put it away yourself!
Oh and water. Do not forget to drink lots of water. I've also been neglecting this because of a busy schedule. Water doesn't replace nutrition by any means. But you need a lot more water than you might think. And often it's what your body is craving...not food.
All that said, I woke up today having put back on two pounds. :\
Not a huge amount, but I would rather be declining than increasing.
I remember saying to myself at the beginning that everything which goes into my body was chosen by me. So it comes down to the little decisions.. like right when you walk by the stove and see this wonderful looking strawberry cake your sister just made. You have to ask yourself, "Who has more will power? Me or the cake?" And then discover that it's you, and keep walking. Leaving that cake in the corner on it's own. ( It'll be eaten before long by someone else anyway. )
1.) Remember that you are not only eating live foods that are good for you, you are forming better habits than you had before.
And diverging back to the same way you used to eat ( i.e. whatever looks good, whenever you feel like it ) will only leave you dissatisfied with yourself for your decision and with the results.
2.) Have some accountability.
Whether it be a person, a journal or something else. For me it's my journal which I started at the beginning of this process, and you all! As a result of my bad habits coming back I haven't been writing in my journal as often because I had nothing good to report. So when I sit down and write it helps me re-evaluate where I am and what I need to do from here.
Also, after this weekend I decided to write down everything I eat or drink on a daily basis, just for a few days until I'm nice and stable in my routine again.
3.) Talk it out.
Or maybe you could think it out.. I am a verbal processor, I need to think and talk through things with people I trust so that I can sort out what to do next. It's like sorting out a puzzle in my head, putting every piece back in it's place so I can see the picture clearly. You may or may not be like this. But find out what helps you to re-set your sights and get that done!
4.) Find some inspiration.
What inspired you to start in the first place? What was your goal at the beginning? How far have you come? Realize that you actually can do it!
And then keep this inspiration around, ( a picture, quote, lots of fresh fruit etc. ) don't forget why you are doing what you're doing. For me it's because I want to be a healthy person, in habits, mind, body etc. And eating cleanly is an excellent way to begin this process.
5.) And last but probably most importantly....
Do. Not. Give. Up!
Just because you falter does not mean you're failing. It happens to everyone honestly. Failing would be giving up and not trying anymore. Part of success is learning how to work through the times when you definitely messed up, picking up the pieces and continuing to believe in yourself.
So there's my nugget for the day. I hope it was helpful. Thanks for reading and remember that this really is something you can achieve. ;)
Until tomorrow,
P.S. - I'm considering writing a short e-book on this topic. Would anyone be interested in that?
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