What is Juice Fasting?

 A juice fast is a healthy way to detox your body and lose weight at the same time. Simply by drinking the juice from veggies and fruits for a specific amount of time. They can last any where from 3 days to 60.
  I would not recommend fasting passed 60 days, the juice fast is not meant to be a permanent way to eat. Only a way of getting rid of deadly toxins in your body which have been placed there by eating lots and lots of processed foods.
 I know what you're probably thinking.. why not just eat the fruit and veggies? Excellent question! It's a rather long explanation and to learn from an expert which I am not, click on this link.


 Basically you are putting the nutrients on a fast track to be absorbed by your body. Nutritionists have warned against juicing for long periods of time for fear of what lack of fiber can do to your body. My solution to this is if you plan to do a juice fast for an extended amount of time, be sure to occasionally eat some fruit or veggies as well. That way you are not lacking fiber in your diet.

 I was inspired to start juice fasting after watching a documentary called "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" hosted by Joe Cross. I believe the documentary can be found on Netflix if you'd like to educate yourself.

  If you are on any sort of medication be sure to check with your doctor before starting the juice fast as it might effect your system differently. If they give you the go ahead then go ahead and begin!

  The important things to know are these :

1. You'll need to drink somewhere around 4–6 juices a day of 16–20 oz. This will vary depending on your weight and body type. A good rule of thumb is to remember that drinking several times throughout the days rather than three times in large increments is better. The same applies if you are eating actual food. Also remember that drinking until you're full is perfectly okay. Sipping slowly will help you feel full faster and you'll drink less. But drinking more of what's good for you won't hurt a thing!

2. Water. I have found and so have many others that because we do not drink our allotted amount of water daily we often mistake "thirst pangs" for hunger pangs. How much water you should be drinking varies depending on how much you weigh, how active you are etc. But in general a person should try to drink a half an ounce to an ounce of water for each pound they weigh everyday. Water does so much for your body, it might be difficult to drink this much at first, but you'll thank yourself later on. ;)

  I again, am not an expert, just your fellow civilian who is having success and wants to share my journey with you. ;)

 Stay tuned to my daily updates for more in depth details on what juice fasting is like!

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