La Santé Café

   La Santé Café is a health food blog designed by yours truly, where I plan to share all I have learned about eating and cooking in a much healthier way than we are used to. It's possible I assure you!

   I have discovered that learning to have a healthy lifestyle is just as important as any other area we put all of our time and energy into. It's beneficial for us, for our children, friends, co-workers, families and anyone else we may influence on a daily basis.

    After spending most of my teenage years and now into my early twenties struggling with obesity and being overweight, and going through many failed attempts at trying to lose that weight. I finally decided one day that I should stop trying to "lose weight". I found that, at least with my reasoning, it was destructive and ill-planned. I wasn't thinking long term, I was only thinking of what I wanted more, which is why chocolate cake and soda always one in the end. But when I finally decided that I just wanted to be healthy, that's when things started to change. Seeing yourself as someone who can and will abandon an unhealthy lifestyle and pursue one that is better for your body physically and mentally is a huge part of making changes.

  Once this finally happened for me it was only a matter of time before I found myself right on track toward where I wanted to be headed.

  My family has been right beside me throughout this journey, and after losing nearly forty pounds and talking about how I knew what my body needed better than I ever have before. Some of them suggested I should start a health food blog. So my wheels started turning. What would I call it? Would there be anyone interested in reading it? What would the content be?

  Being a creative person, it was hard to let the idea go. One : because I love cooking with fresh foods and two : because my head is already chalk full of everything I'm currently learning.

  So I sent out a few notes on some facebook pages one night to see if there would be any interest. To my surprise there was so much more than I'd expected! Everyone wants to know how to be healthier and thinner just as I did.

   With that in mind I began creating 
La Santé Café. If you've ever blogged before you may know how time consuming this can be. Not to mention I'm a pretty creative person and there is a lot you can do with stock images, a photo editor and a whole empty day on your hands. So when I reached a point where I was "blocked" about my theme I took a break and sat down to watch Julie and Julia. You know the movie about Julia Child and the girl who lived in Queens and went through every recipe in her "Mastering the Art of French Cooking"? Well, I kind of love it. I love most "cooking movies" because I love to cook! 

   I hadn't planned on adding a french twist to my new blog. But as I sat watching Julia stroll through the streets of France with her basket of herbs passing little shops and café's on the corner I thought, The Health Café.  A simple combination of health, which was what I was wanting to portray, along with something warm and homey. At first I thought it silly, but the more I thought about it the more I liked it. And I mean really, who doesn't love café's? Then I did a little research and discovered how the french would say it and voilà! Here we are with La Santé Café.

   If you find you would like to hear from me regularly so you can use some of my recipes to spice up your cookbook, then go to the top of this page, look to the right, enter your e-mail and hit submit. That way you'll get e-mails each time I publish a new post. 

   There will be much here over time. I will tie my love of cooking up with my newly found desire to live in a way that I would be proud of. And you are welcome to join me a long the way, learn what you can and hopefully be able to fill your kitchen with the beautiful smells these recipes will cook up.


                                                                                                                                                                            Bon Appétit!

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