Monday, February 2, 2015

The Importance of "Me Time"

  Good afternoon readers. :)

  So no post yesterday. I decided that Sundays are going to be break/rethink/look for inspiration day, for my blog.
  However! The rest of the days of the week I will be posting, unless some emergency comes up and prevents me from doing so.. ;)

  Lately I have been so into getting ready for Valentine's day. And then I spent a good two hours last night looking up DIY projects on Pinterest.... but it's appropriate. It's only two weeks away! So keep an eye out for some holiday inspired recipes coming your way soon.

  Today I'm going to tell you about something I learned from my time in Colorado last fall when I went and lived with some absolutely amazing people and learned a ton of things.

 And that something is..."me time", or "solitude time" as we called it there.

  This was a mandatory time we had twice a week during the program, where we had to go outside and find a spot to sit for one and a half to two hours by ourselves. We could basically do whatever we needed to "readjust our sights". For me it was almost always journaling. This is one of the reasons I was able to finish the journal I started when I was there. The first journal I've ever finished by the way. ( I'm very proud of myself. )

  I learned after incorporating this practice into life often that it helped me sooo much more than I thought it would.

  For someone who almost never takes time to site down and sort through her thoughts and emotions but always needs to, this practice made such a huge difference.

  And I know you might be saying "I'm more of a people person.." Trust me, I am too. I almost always hated pulling myself away from everyone to go sit by myself for a few hours. But every time I finished I felt so much better!

  So it's something I've tried to incorporate into my daily life now that I am back home and it has helped tremendously throughout my juice fast.

                                                                                                                            That little purple one is the one I finished!

                                      I have one journal for personal things and another to keep track of my weight loss.


  I don't write in it as often as the others, but I try to at least once a week. Or each time I reach a new goal. It has helped to keep track of my thoughts and feelings while going through this. And it helps keep me encouraged, which is essential!

  So whatever it is that helps you to think clearly again, consider incorporating it into your life. I've found I can clear out the spider webs up there and let the sun shine in a bit if I deliberately take a few hours a week to do so.

  So yesterday was my first opportunity to do this in a while.
I haven't done it enough lately because I have been so busy!

  But my sister had to go to work and she can't drive herself yet, so someone had to take her. And it just so happens that there is a cute little café just up the road which is quiet and quaint early on a Sunday morning.

                                                                                                                                 Yes, that is a snapchat pic ;)

   I had about two hours and so I sat with my herbal lavender tea ( without sugar ) and sorted through some of my thoughts. I usually try to find places that are quiet and pretty and inspirational. And this café was perfect. I think I'll frequent there more often, maybe even to do some brainstorming for future posts and ideas on La Santé Café.

I found this quote and thought it quite appropriate. At some point, dreamers must become doers. So summon up your courage and go after that adventure, whatever it may be. Believe in yourself, decide to see beauty wherever you look and then take the first step. That's all it takes.

                                                                                                               To recap...

                                              1. Take time for yourself. It's better for you and everyone else in the long run.

2. Look for beauty. It's everywhere if you look closely enough, and when you find it your outlook tends to remain more positive and optimistic.
3. Thinking clearly promotes mood improvement, which promotes happiness, which promotes a healthy mind, which promotes healthy habits... so clear out those spider webs!
4. Be doers!

                                                                                             5. Café's are always a good idea.



                                                 And here's a few selfies for ya. Because sister dates are the best. <3


Happy Monday!

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